A year ago, when our small circle of people started to make plans to bring the revolutionary ideas of synthetic agriculture to our country, we never imagined that we would soon be able to bring them directly into the awareness of agroforesters across Europe through EURAF.
EURAF(27.-31.5.2024, Brno), the conference of European agroforestry, will be the biggest event related to synthetic agriculture in the Czech Republic this year! Here you can see the programme of the event, which has been organised by the Czech Society for Agroforestry. Thanks a lot for the amazing work! The programme is really packed and we thank the organisers very much for creating a space for the topic of synthetic agriculture, which from our point of view is moving agroforestry as such towards more holistic approaches and closer to natural ecosystems in its structure, function and processes.
We have been working intensively over the last months to bring you crucial meetings with key players in (not only) European synthetic agriculture during this busy event. Through them, we want to explain why we are so passionate about synthetic farming and teach you practical techniques for designing your own piece or plot of land. There is nothing to wait for. We all know what ails us, and synthropic farming offers a way out of that torment.
On behalf of our Syntropy CZ project we are organizing a unique workshop with the excellent ECOTOP Consult technician, Bastian Dreher.
They have already had the opportunity to meet Bastian at the lecture INTRODUCTION TO SYNTHROPIC AGRICULTURE. For a nominal fee you will be able to download it again on our website from the end of next week.
An informal outdoor workshop will take place on 26 May 2024 from 9.00 to 18.00 at the Králíčkovice Biofarm as part of the Pre-conference event.
The Rabbits are farmer-hearts who work day and night to deliver quality fresh organic vegetables to their shareholders. They have offered to ECOTOP to create the first synthropic demo area on part of their land, with a design for no-till fruit and vegetable production. And we want to invite you to join this adventure! Don’t expect a stuffy lecture hall, but functional punk, laid back, cool and big hearted.
Bastian will guide you through the basic principles of synthropic farming during the day-long seminar. With his distinctive humour and excellent didactic skills, there will be no shortage of fun 😉
The programme will culminate in the joint creation of a design for a demo area for the farm. You will then be able to take the experience you have gained with the practical application of the principles back to any other location.
On May 28, 2024, you will be able to listen to a lecture by the great Joachim Milz, Director of ECOTOP, on Syntropic Agriculture during the plenary session of keynote speakers. Joachim is a man of incredible character. He is one of Ernst Götsch’s best students, long-time collaborators and friends. His great merit is, for example, that he was able to organize Ernst’s brilliant ideas and pass them on in an understandable and entertaining way. In addition, he has more than 25 years of experience with syntropic agriculture on 4 continents of the world, including Europe.
On 29 May 2024, you will be able to listen to several experiences with synthetic agriculture in the European context in the Farmer’s experience block.
Renke de Vries – Europe’s leading expert on temperate synthetic farming will share with us his extensive experience in establishing and maintaining a synthetic design on a total of 18ha in Germany
Serbia – Halba – friends from Serbia will share with us their experience with sustainable sunflower production and diversification of hazel planting under the guidance of Ecotop Consult
It is also expected to share the experience of the renowned University of Giessen (Germany) with a comparative farming project involving plots of syn-tropical agriculture.
To sum up: you don’t see such a line-up of speakers in the Czech Republic, so go to: https://www.euraf2024.mendelu.cz/ and we will be looking forward to seeing you!